Stuart headed out for points south, including Death Valley. As he packed up this morning, the dogs started moping. Stuart said, "Georgia's going to have a hard day, we can just tell that's where it's going." Poor Georgia. Being an empath is never easy.
Here's our group pictures, before he left.

Horses and grain bucket

Friday Portrait #1

Friday Portrait #2

Giovanna being a "Far Side" horse.
Here are sky pictures from today. I wanted to show people the mountains and panoramic views from the house. Perhaps I need a different kind of camera, because the pictures just don't capture it the way it looks.
Out the Front Door:

Out the Back(dog yard) Door:

Out the Side (Main) Door:

Looking back towards the Barn:

This is it. We are now officially on our own, in the middle of a new urban/rural area. I have work to do, including the CAMP and HEP grant needs sections, finishing unpacking, cleaning the horses, picking up manure, going to bank and post office, etc. Good to have a list of to-do's, as it is probably a good idea to keep really busy today!