Looking out the front door. Yes, there is a road there, and a field across the way. Reminds me of the Arcata Bottoms.
Fog. They get fog in the Boise area. Boy, howdy. Fog to rival the fog of Humboldt County. On the weather report lately, I'd seen "fog" listed, but had not seen any real fog. Lots of overcast sky, heavy cloud cover, etc. But no real fog. Well, when I was driving down I84 this morning, I could have sworn I was on Hwy101.
Looking back to the pasture from my doorway. Can't even see the arena fence, let alone the horses!
The trees next to the driveway, fingering the fog.
Went to the university today to meet with my Graduate Assitantship (GA) professor, Scott. A GA is a working position for graduate students. You get assigned to a professor, and do work with that person; anything from teaching classes, research, special projects... It is a way to get experience in different aspects of being a professor, so you know what you'd like to do, and you have the experience, as well, once you complete your doctorate. I feel pretty fortunate to have my GA, because part of the stipend takes care of my university fees and my out of state tuition. It also seems like Scott is going to be a good person to work with, and will encourage my research a great deal. Evidently I will be teaching an undergraduate class in the fall. Very cool.
While at the university, I also picked up my text books for my classes. I have three classes: Field Experience with Under Achieving Learners (aka, Blue Heron... lol), Intermediate Statistics in Education Research, and Learning & Cognition. For the first class, we will go out into the schools and do observations and projects. I also picked up my parking permit, and obtained my student ID card. Knowing me, I got lost several times on campus, but also knowing me, I asked for directions and met very nice people.
This evening, I am going to The Reef, which is a "tropical lounge getaway" in downtown Boise. Why? Because my GA professor's wife, Jenny, is having a cd release show there tonight, and I was invited. I figure, if my professor invites me, I should probably go. Jenny plays guitar in a folk style. Should be good. Plus, seems like a marvelous way to battle the homesick blues. The menu lists "seafood, steak, and killer jerk chicken." Here's a link to the story of the place: http://www.reefboise.com/reef/our_story.cfm