No pictures today. Same dreary fog that stays all day. I know that later on, I'll be complaining about the heat, but right now, I look forward to sunny days. Feel free to remind me of this when I'm wishing for fog later on!
Wish I'd had my camera when I was out picking up manure. Giovanna likes to do laps in the arena. She likes to run, and run, and run. Just for the sheer joy of it. So she's cantering around the arena, in an effortless glide, narrowly missing some turns, and almost sliding through the mud puddle in the corner a few times. And behind her is Berhwood, doing his best to keep up. He's got a lovely canter, too, but he makes smaller circles to try and catch up. She knows he's following her, and she loves being out in front of him.
The rest of my day was spent with paperwork. I have my new Idaho driver's license, and I have the information I need to get in order to get the Jetta registered. Was supposed to take care of employment paperwork at the University, but I have to go back tomorrow. Who knew they wouldn't accept a laminated SSN card? Mine I've had since I was twelve or so, and a few years ago I had it laminated because it was getting pretty thin. Kind of frustrating to have gone all the way in, and now I need to go in again tomorrow. Luckily I do have a valid copy of my birth certificate, which they need instead of SSN card. Hey, I'll take my computer and enjoy WIFI for an hour while I'm there. It sure seems like a luxury to zip along at high speed, compared to the dial up I have at home.
I must say, every person I dealt with today, at DMV, Sherriff's, Albertson's where I asked directions, Petco where I asked directions, the woman behind the counter at the University, the kid at the parking garage... Everyone is nice, pleasant, talkative, kind. It's really lovely how nice people are here. Not to say that people aren't nice in Humboldt County. No. It's just that I haven't run into anyone who isn't nice. I haven't run into anyone who is taking their bad day or troubles out on others. Even driving--haven't come across road rage yet.
By the way, the girls love their new Hill's Prescription H/D dog food. They think they need a can every couple hours, thank you very much. Talked to their vet, he said total of three, or one and a half each, per day, was plenty. I try to ignore Arcy's pointed barks and "buff"'s, and try to ignore Georgia's running up and down, yodeling. I tell them, "No, you need to wait until 6. You had a can at noon." They don't believe me. They say my watch is broken.
The music last night was quite good. Folk guitar with lots of other instruments, like other guitars, rattles, flutes, violins, drums. The music would probably be found on a Christian music station, or country/folk. Was good to be out in public, in a crowd of very happy people. It isn't a pub that I'd visit again, necessarily, unless they had a show I wanted to see. And I successfully navigated there and back, in the fog, at night. Getting good at this driving in the city thing. :) If you want to check the CD out, it is by Jenny Willison, and is called First Steps.