Well, I went and did it. I found a sweet new ride for the horses. I do not own a truck, so it is going to sit there and look pretty until I find the right truck. And don't even ask if I have ever driven a truck pulling a trailer! That would be a "No." I'll be learning how on the flat farm roads of Idaho.
The trailer needs a serious bath to get rid of the dust, but other than that, it's a beauty. 2007 3-horse, slant-load, aluminum skin on steel frame. The story is, I've been shopping horse trailers for a while, and when this one came along, and they accepted my offer, it was just too good to pass up, even if I didn't have a truck yet. The sellers were kind enough to deliver.

As for the rest of things, I'm chugging along with my research and work. Really enjoying what I am doing, but I don't have much spare time to speak of. So, hello to everyone! I'll be down in Humboldt the end of March to start figuring out my move back, so if you're there, maybe we can visit.
Maybe I ought to go look on craigslist, see if I can find that diesel long-bed automatic truck I am looking for...