Short post today. Just checking in and sharing my good news. The Pilot Proposal is done. I only learned of what I had to do on Tuesday, and fortunately I'd been working on reading the research for a week already, but still it was a major crunch to put it together in a week. Emailed it to my committee, and so far the response is very positive. So glad. Here's a link to it, for anyone who was curious or wanted to read it:
Emily's Pilot Proposal.Now on to contacting parents and lining up interviews. I'm definitely going to need every minute available to me, between now and the end of May. The good news is it is doable. I wasn't so sure a couple weeks ago. I can do this.
Snowed yesterday. The snow is gone today, but it's pretty cold out. The horses have decided that hanging out in the barn, eating, is a good thing!