Headed up to Table Rock Quarry, which is the tip of that "hill" up there...

Getting closer, getting warmer (literally!).

Looking out, on the way up.

We were in what is called the Boise Foothills. There are hundreds of miles of trails up here, all over. Open to bikes, horses, hikers. If I could have my horses close to these trails, oh, the fun we'd have!

One view of the cliffs. Table Rock Quarry.

A look at the city of Boise, from halfway up to the rock.

View of the city from on top of the Table.

Stuart looking out on the city from Table Rock.

Wild Bachelor's Buttons!

Mountain Lupin. It came in many colors.
Now for some pictures of Giovanna posing with her favorite uncle...

Talking to the neighbor boys, ooh la la.

Feeding the Giraffe

The girls love it when Stuart visits, because there's this cushy place to hang out, and he's cool with dog hair.

Hummer hanging...