The Walnut Tree. Hard to believe this was bare twigs just a couple weeks ago. Soon I will have shade at my "office" window all day. Is that tree really bigger than the house?

Georgia "wading" in the thorn bush pasture, now dog-high in grass.
Spring seems to truly be here. Whereas a month ago, the predominant color was brown, the entire Treasure Valley is now green. Even the distant mountains, once white with snow, are mottled shades of green. I went back to the earlier blog posts, and couldn't believe the difference in the landscape! (Oh, for those who view this blog at the blog site-- www.embboise.blogspot.com--I just learned that clicking on the captions under the pictures will take you to full-size images. Pretty nifty. )
For the first time since I moved here, I have some mental freedom. No classes, no endless piles of reading hanging over my head, no research papers needing to be written. I have ordered all my books for the summer, and plan to start reading next weekend, along with working for my graduate adviser, and continuing with the McNair project writing. Right now, I'm getting caught up on house work, horse blanket repairs, yard work, and cleaning. Also having a great time working with my horses and walking with the dogs.

I think these are Love Birds, outside my "office" window. The male has a rose-colored chest.
My experimental hummingbird feeder attracted its first visitor today, which thrilled me, because I had no idea if hummers even lived around here. For you bird people, I am surrounded by flying, singing, eating birds. I can identify some, including robin, quail, hawk, nuthatch, pheasant, grouse, hummingbird, starling, lark, love birds, doves, and several other small birds, along with a beautiful yellow-chested bird I just met yesterday. The hawk has a nest in the top of the tallest cottonwood on the property. I set up my Guatemalan hammock, (which I bought about 5 years ago, hoping I would have a place for it someday), in the thorn bush pasture. I think I'll hang my binoculars on the tree, so I can observe the flying city above my hammock. And I thought I grew up with a lot of birds in Trinidad! Whew. In the evening, it sounds like a bird subway at rush hour around here.
Here are images from the first week of May. I hope you are enjoying your spring, as well. Send me pictures if you can, especially if you are in Humboldt County. Though it is lovely here, I miss the particular greens of home. Especially the new green tips on the evergreens, the olive-y green of redwoods, and the silvery-green of alders and willows.

Horses in far pasture. Cropped short like a golf course.

View of far pasture, from thorn bush pasture.

This is the hay field next door. Alfalfa and grass mix. If the pirce is decent, I may be buying by hay from my neighbor. How cool is that, to watch your hay grow?

More Georgia wading. She prefers to follow in my footsteps.

Arcy playing "aligator" in the grass.

Eagle Island Park. Quite different from January!

Yellow bee on yellow flower, at Eagle Island Park.

The swimming hole at Eagle Island Park.

Giovanna. Idaho's been good to the mare.