In the rare moments I get outside, I have noticed a change...There is actually green on the ground, little shoots coming up.

Giovanna's Sheep have all had lambs. There's about 30 lambs over in that field, now, and to see them all gamboling up and down their hill is a hoot.

The bulbs on my deck are poking up their tips, and I need to water them. Despite being covered in snow, the pots are quite dry.

Berhwood's bumps are much better. I am not going to say he is out of the woods, yet, as far as his allergic reaction goes. But I think I may have found what he was reacting to. Still some experimenting to do, but I'm kind of reluctant to introduce it back in, as you can imagine.

Numerous flocks of quail live in and around the property. The other day, while I was working, I could see a group outside my window. I say, they are the fattest, plumpest, roundest quail I have ever seen! Obviously a serious lack of predators in this area. I can't wait to see the flocks of baby quails, fluffing along like little pom-poms on the ground, scattering like a handful of marbles on tile when startled.

As for school, I'm up to my eyeballs in work, which is why I haven't had much time to update the blog. The work is exciting and extremely stimulating. I sent a quote to my adviser from one of the texts I am reading, and told him that I thought it might be a possible topic for my research and dissertation. The quote was talking about the need for more research on children's experiences by having them write about their lives, especially children from poverty and urban areas. There was a lot more to it than that. Suffice it to say, it combined several things I feel strongly about, and I wrote at the top of the page, "Dissertation?"
Told my adviser that the quote and idea made my heart pound, it resonated so deeply with me. My adviser wrote back: "You will have lots of things that get your heart pounding - that is how you are wired and that is what makes it so fun to work with you. We will have to monitor all of these passion flashes and in about two semsters figure out which one is the right topic for you."
Yeah, that's me. Enthusaism kind of drives my engine, I think. So, I've been nailed. And now I have a list on my wall of all the things that get my heart hopping, research wise, and I know that I don't have to pick something NOW. Now is my time to delved and explore and experience. Read and write and talk and listen. I'd say I'm as happy as a clam, as far as my PhD program goes. :)