Near and Far: Giovanna and Berhwood enjoying the slight hint of green on the ground...
Just finished with my last assignments before spring break. Turned in a draft of a huge paper last night, have completed 12 interviews for the McNair study, and am otherwise pretty well spent. Not a free neuron to speak of! I can't tell you how good it feels to not have a pile of reading and transcribing hanging over my head. It will be there next Wednesday, but right now, I can just breathe a little.
My brother, Stuart is here, and the girls are thrilled to have some other, more entertaining, company. I tend to be pretty boring, outside of our daily walks, because I always have my eyes on a book, or my hands on a computer keyboard. He's the doting uncle, so they get pretty spoiled. As in "Hey, do they have any treats, so when they get depressed after you leave, I can give them treats?" So I went to Pet Smart and got bags of treats and a new "meaty" log for their pills.
Yes, I am leaving on a quick break. Soak up the green of home, let my hair drink in the moisture in the air, see the ocean, spend time with people I care about. I have many things to do, including finding my new saute pan, grabbing my house plants, and retrieving some hoses and other garden tools I need. Stuart kindly offered to house and pet sit for me. I think he just wants to spend time with his horse, Giovanna... Needless to say, I appreciate his gift of time. Tremendously.
When I get back to Idaho, there will be pictures, and I'm hoping to put up videos of Giovanna and Berhwood, if I can. I won't have much access to the Internet while I'm gone, so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me.