College Cove, looking souh toward Trinidad Head.This is my last post for the Boise Venture of Mine, seeing as how the Boise portion of my venture has come to an end. Here I am, in Humboldt, where my heart has longed to be since I left. But I find that part of me is now left in Boise, and I guess that's how it is... When we go places, and let those places seep into our bones, we take them with us. Humboldt won out because it has seeped in so deeply, it's like the marrow of my bones. But now Boise is filtering around my veins, and reminds me of possibilities and chances. All of life is a venture, and I plan on living it to the fullest, wherever home may be.

Sam on log, Emily putting on shoes, looking south toward Trinidad Head.

Emily and Sam on the point at College Cove Bluffs, near the Blow Hole.Berhwood and Giovanna are happy horses. Idaho wasn't bad for them, but Humboldt is best. People who haven't seen them for a year and a half drop their jaws. The words Gorgeous, Handsome, and Statuesque have been used to describe Ber, and Beautiful, Lovely, and Sleek to describe Gio. (We won't talk about the words Hag and Obnoxious).
My brother, who saw them regularly in Idaho, noticed how much sleeker, fitter, and buoyant they are in their new pasture by the sea. I've trimmed their feet for the first time since their move. We've been working/riding regularly. Ber has had no lameness issues, and is actually quite energetic. Seems to have come into his own here. Gio is nervous and spooks at everything, But she's gradually settling, and my confidence in working with her is growing. Here are some pictures of them, one month after moving....

Giovanna and Emily on the driveway to the pasture, looking across the canyon to Berhwood. See horse trailer--Ber is the brown dot to the right of it!

Pretty Gio...Ber and Emily are riding on the "road" that goes around the pasture.

Gio and Emily walking up the driveway...

Ber and Em riding, Gio ignoring. Trinidad Head and Moonstone Beach in the far distance, north.

Exploring the driveway.
My home is gradually coming together, though I have honestly not had much time to devote to putting my things in order. Hit the ground running when I arrived, and haven't stopped since. So rather than share pictures of my house in post-move-disarray, I'll share some pictures of the beaches, where I have been hiking regularly. These pictures are from the past couple days, because Stuart's been visiting, and taking pictures!

Giovanna and her biggest fan.

Emily and Sam on College Cove Bluffs, with Trinidad Beach/Head behind.

Sam: "What's beyond that lip of rock there?" Stuart: "Not a good idea, I've tried that..." Emily: "It's the end of the rock."

After deciding to attempt the descent, Sam: "Is there a foothold?" Emily: "Try right here." Sam: "Okay, move Emily!"

Emily moves. Sam Leaps. Stuart clicks his camera!The dissertation is moving forward at a snail's pace, mostly because my horses have needed my time, and the people I care about and their horses have needed my time. Been trimming horses, doctoring horses (not mine, for once!), working on overgrown gardens, shopping for used furniture for my house, hanging with my friends, and generally getting a ton of exercise. My friend Jennifer has been visiting her family, so it has been lovely to spend time with her and her kids, and my brother Stuart has been visiting, and working on his house. These are all things that took a back seat to the last 18 months, and if I learned anything (outside of what I was learning at BSU!), it's that people really matter.

Returning the log to the sea.Things are gradually getting to a routine, and I expect to be plugging away on my dissertation pretty well by the end of July. I do not have a job, and won't until January, so I can focus on my dissertation until it is finished. I'll be back in Boise in September to take care of dissertation stuff, and will plan on a couple days to check in with my Idaho friends! I will do my best to keep in touch, but once I get immersed in my writing/transcribing/thinking, I need to keep going. But I'll come up for air a few times between now and December, for sure.
Until then,