Saturday, June 5, 2010

Screech to a Halt

Shipping out has been delayed at least four days. Berhwood injured himself (Day before heading out, go figure). He's in a lot of pain, and takes tiny mincing steps with his hind feet. So, the plan is to give him four days to recoup. If he hasn't mended by then, we'll delay it another four days, and so on. With the long haul (650 miles) over windy, mountainous roads, he needs to not be in pain.

Best guess is he cast himself and wrenched his back and pelvis. Bute has not knocked down the pain much, but soaking with cold water helps. Will call the vet on Monday if he hasn't improved over Sunday. I guess I'll get a few rides in on Giovanna before we leave, and I'll get a head start on transcribing the interviews for the dissertation. What else am I going to do? My house is completely empty, no food, no fridge, no bed... Oh, I know, it's called Camping!!

I figure, there's a reason this happened, and I may not know what it is for a while. At least this way if my landlord has any serious issues that need to be addressed before I get my deposit, I have time to take care of them!

Bottom line, I want him to be okay.