We are home. Move went great. Settling in slowly. So utterly unreal, being here.
The horses love their new digs, I love my new home.
I give myself until the end of June to get settled, and then I start back on the dissertation path. Need a desk, a dresser, and a couch of some sort.
Sorry so short, I don't have internet yet, either, so I'm stealing a few minutes at a coffee shop! Just wanted people who check here to know that all is well. Very well. :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hitting the Road (for Real this time)
Looks like we really are leaving tomorrow morning. Though the way things have been going, I won't be holding my breath!!! I did want to take a moment to say thank you to the people who've kept me going up here, while waiting to haul out.
Kathy and Joe, thanks for going to dinner with me at El Gallo, and for loaning me the cot! Would not have made it through these four nights on the hard floor. Getting too old to do that well. :) And thank you for your friendship and the many phone calls. I will miss you much when I return to California.
TJ and Kathy and Dora, thanks for going to dinner with me at the Texas house place with peanut shells on the floor. What a treat. Also, thank you TJ for showing me where all the fluids in my truck were, and doing a full systems check on my truck so I knew I was truly traveling safe. Finally, thanks for the movie treat. I never would have rented Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and I would have been missing a funny, positive movie. I hope you find the picture book so you can see where the movie started. I really enjoyed hanging out with you all! You have a special place in my heart, and I will miss you greatly when I return to California!
Finally, Scott and Jenny and Savannah, thanks for letting me hang out a couple times at your house. Being around your family helped me feel not so alone and wandering during my brief "limbo" up here waiting to leave with my horses. I keep laughing, thinking about everyone drawing the flip-flops. Good dinner, too! I look forward to seeing you again in September, because I will miss you until then!
It ended up being okay, this in-between time of four days. I took care of a lot of loose ends, and in some ways, eased into this transition back to Humboldt a little bit more. I feel fortunate to have met so many wonderful people here, and to be leaving with new friends for a lifetime.
See You Later!!!
Kathy and Joe, thanks for going to dinner with me at El Gallo, and for loaning me the cot! Would not have made it through these four nights on the hard floor. Getting too old to do that well. :) And thank you for your friendship and the many phone calls. I will miss you much when I return to California.
TJ and Kathy and Dora, thanks for going to dinner with me at the Texas house place with peanut shells on the floor. What a treat. Also, thank you TJ for showing me where all the fluids in my truck were, and doing a full systems check on my truck so I knew I was truly traveling safe. Finally, thanks for the movie treat. I never would have rented Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and I would have been missing a funny, positive movie. I hope you find the picture book so you can see where the movie started. I really enjoyed hanging out with you all! You have a special place in my heart, and I will miss you greatly when I return to California!
Finally, Scott and Jenny and Savannah, thanks for letting me hang out a couple times at your house. Being around your family helped me feel not so alone and wandering during my brief "limbo" up here waiting to leave with my horses. I keep laughing, thinking about everyone drawing the flip-flops. Good dinner, too! I look forward to seeing you again in September, because I will miss you until then!
It ended up being okay, this in-between time of four days. I took care of a lot of loose ends, and in some ways, eased into this transition back to Humboldt a little bit more. I feel fortunate to have met so many wonderful people here, and to be leaving with new friends for a lifetime.
See You Later!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Screech to a Halt
Shipping out has been delayed at least four days. Berhwood injured himself (Day before heading out, go figure). He's in a lot of pain, and takes tiny mincing steps with his hind feet. So, the plan is to give him four days to recoup. If he hasn't mended by then, we'll delay it another four days, and so on. With the long haul (650 miles) over windy, mountainous roads, he needs to not be in pain.
Best guess is he cast himself and wrenched his back and pelvis. Bute has not knocked down the pain much, but soaking with cold water helps. Will call the vet on Monday if he hasn't improved over Sunday. I guess I'll get a few rides in on Giovanna before we leave, and I'll get a head start on transcribing the interviews for the dissertation. What else am I going to do? My house is completely empty, no food, no fridge, no bed... Oh, I know, it's called Camping!!
I figure, there's a reason this happened, and I may not know what it is for a while. At least this way if my landlord has any serious issues that need to be addressed before I get my deposit, I have time to take care of them!
Bottom line, I want him to be okay.
Best guess is he cast himself and wrenched his back and pelvis. Bute has not knocked down the pain much, but soaking with cold water helps. Will call the vet on Monday if he hasn't improved over Sunday. I guess I'll get a few rides in on Giovanna before we leave, and I'll get a head start on transcribing the interviews for the dissertation. What else am I going to do? My house is completely empty, no food, no fridge, no bed... Oh, I know, it's called Camping!!
I figure, there's a reason this happened, and I may not know what it is for a while. At least this way if my landlord has any serious issues that need to be addressed before I get my deposit, I have time to take care of them!
Bottom line, I want him to be okay.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Home Sweet Home

Just got back from a very busy week in California. Just have a short week left here in Idaho. I'm not going to get much sleep, but that's okay. The end goal is extremely motivating! The picture above was taken by my brother on a hike he took, last week.
Thanks to a full day of work from a six-pack of friends/family, Ber and Gio have a Beautiful pasture within hearing distance of the buoys off Trinidad Head, and a view of Trinidad when the fog lifts. The ponies ship down next week, and I can't wait to see what they think of the belly-high grass! I put in a smaller paddock so I can regulate their grass intake for a while.
Good thing, because when I saw them this evening, my jaw dropped. The guy who was taking care of them decided they needed alfalfa to supplement their grass hay, and that they needed to be fed twice a day. I left pretty fit horses a week ago, but now they have this thick layer of padding everywhere! As my friend said, they will drop some weight on the haul down. Pretty funny, though. He thinks my grass hay is junk, evidently! lol.
Thanks to my brother's help, almost all of my belongings are now in California, unloaded and in my new home. OH!!! My new home is lovely. I so, so lucked out. Going to take me a while to get things set up, but I couldn't ask for a nicer place. Skylights throughout leave the most luminous light, and I can see stars at night!
I have a delightful neighbor dog who comes to visit. Her owners are pretty neat people, too. They are my landlords.
It was extremely hard to drive back up to Idaho for this week, because I felt so "at home" back home. And here it is, three days before the horse hauler arrives. I have a riding lesson tomorrow, I donated my almost new fridge to the Boy's and Girl's Club, and donated my dryer to the Rescue Mission. After nearly 2 months trying to sell them on Craig's List, I had to just get them gone. Who knew fridges were so hard to sell? I have the last three interviews for my dissertation tomorrow, too!
I wake up here, and look for the light from the skylights. And that was after six nights sleeping in my new home. That's how deep my roots sank there. Home.
So, I leave you with a few pictures of Ber and Gio's new home. I'm standing outside of their pasture, looking towards their pasture. Can't wait for Marsha (Marsha's Equine Transport) to arrive to take them home, too!

The trees are the border. Looking to the left...

Looking straight ahead...

Looking to the right. You can see the ocean and Trinidad through that gap.
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