Ber heard he was moving back to Rain and Fog!In the final stages of this move back to Humboldt. So looking forward to having a "home" again. As my brother, Stuart, said, the Lake Hazel house was like living in a hotel of sorts for 18 months. Within a week of arriving in Boise, I knew I wasn't going to relocate permanently to Idaho, so I kept my roots shallow. Not to say I didn't make friends I will treasure and stay in touch with. Rather, I kept my home-making roots shallow--no garden, no real cooking, no projects, etc. No routine.
Honestly, there wasn't time, looking back. The reason I am able to move back home after only a year and a half is because I kept my head down and kept on task. If I'd had my friends and family up in Idaho, I would have taken a much more leisurely path (I think...) through this doctorate! Being alone gave me the motivation to get done, as well as the ability to focus so I could get done. :) Kind of a double edged sword.
As of June 7th, I will officially be a resident of California again. I think I may just hide for a week, and not do anything I'm supposed to. Except unpack, move in, spend time with horses and friends, and adjust. This has been a long haul. I sure appreciate my friends and family for hanging in there with me! I am so fortunate... And so grateful for the opportunity to devote this time to my education. As my friend Mark once said, "Emily, you know there is such a thing as too much education." Or something to that effect. I do believe I've come to the end of my formal education!
At any rate, Stuart was up this week helping me load up all my belongings, which I'd packed before heading to D.C.. So I was ready to go. Though it rained most of the time, we were able to get out and ride yesterday. Here are the horse pictures from Stuart's visit... Enjoy. Next blog ought to be pictures of Ber and Gio happy in their sea-side pasture!
Coming up the pasture.
Giovanna Stepping Out, I'm trying to set up a turn....
Later in the ride, setting up another turn. We do turn to the left, too, really! Gio is totally focused on wild quail or a horse-eating tire feeder or something, so I was working on keeping her busy. Obviously I have more work to do!
Ber on the move. I am loving how he is starting to move out with energy and impulsion. He's starting to be a fun ride.
My Farside Ponies. Gio is such an elegant package, I think.
Will definitely miss this pastoral setting. Been a very good place for the ponies to grow and learn. Very good indeed.