Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring is Here, I Think

High-desert lupine. About the size of a teacup saucer!

It is spring, I can hear the birds singing, and the grass is starting to grow a little. The trees still look dead, but that's how it goes up here. The flowers above are from Jump Creek Falls.

It's spring break next week up here in Idaho, so I'm headed south. Not much I can do with my research with most people gone, and I can read pretty much anywhere. While in Humboldt, I'll be looking for a place to call "home" while I finish my dissertation this next year. Also looking at trucks, and making sure Ber and Gio have a place to call home, too. The week is going to fly by.
Hopefully I can ride a couple times, visit with friends, and have a good meal at my favorite Mexican restaurant. I'll try to post pictures, and maybe a few videos of horses.

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with some very, very cute goats from down the road, an example of a "catbird seat", and my happy horses.

Cat in a tree...
Very content cat in a tree!

Mama goat and two kids.

Third kid-an "orphan" in her own home. Bottle fed, hence people are very cool.
Tiny, micro flowers. The size of a pin head!
Side view of same micro flowers.
Carrot time!

Rare, quiet moment for Ber. Before the carrots appeared...