At Kathy and Dick's house in Humboldt.
Made it back to Idaho safe and sound. Arcy is thrilled to be back in her house. She spent half an hour checking everything out, making sure things were still here. lol. Then she ate a huge meal and crashed. She hadn't eaten much for the last two days with the traveling, so it was good to see her eat.
Everything here looks good. There is a (expected) slush pile of muck in the stalls and arena, and I'll be busy for the next few days getting things cleaned up. But the horses look GREAT and seemed pretty pleased to see me. All blinky eyed and smiling. I'm so relieved. Being gone for over 2.5 weeks, I was beginning to worry.
The roads were perfect- I'm glad I waited another day and a half. No ice or snow anywhere, but banked up on the sides. I was quite fortunate. It's going to take me a while to get acclimated here again. I already miss the riding facilities at RA--clearly I will not be riding my horses anytime soon, given the ice in my arena! Bummer. Was having so much fun on Belle and Maisa. I guess I do need to be focusing on my dissertation research and reading, but still...lol.
Happy New Year everyone, and best wishes for whatever your plans are for the coming months!