My friend Jennifer came to visit last weekend. What a treat! I am grateful that she understood and put up with my study schedule. Surprisingly, we were able to fit many things into her two-day visit. The above shot of the corn was taken one late evening as we walked up the road to try and catch the herd of elusive "Oreo" cows. We were not successful, but on our way to the airport on Sunday, we finally caught them.

Friday evening, when Jennifer arrived, we stopped by my Graduate advisor/professor's house. His family was having a big shin-ding, and we hung out and ate some amazing food before we went to the Lake Hazel house. OH, the girls were so delighted to see her. They didn't let her move for about an hour. She had been confiscated!

On Saturday, Jen came with me to my riding lesson. To our great delight, the woman with the two Shire horses was out working with them:

Then I had my lesson on Sage. She's a very good girl. I'm beginning to feel better about my riding, slowly.

After the lesson, we went by Vicki (real estate agent friend)'s house. Her PEO group was having a huge rummage sale. The rest of Saturday we spent at the house. I had to get my work done, and the girls wanted to spend more time with Jennifer.
Sunday, we went to Sheila and Danny Beals' garden to work. Gathered apples, squash, plums, and peaches. Jennifer made a peach crisp and a batch of zuchinni muffins.
Below is Fat and Sassy. You can decide who is who. Been over a month since either one did anything above a walk. Giovanna's eyes are looking pretty good, and I think I will be able to start working with her next weekend. Berhwood's leg (he put a puncture wound into his left front leg, which swelled like a stay-puff-marshmallow man) is healed, but he's still ouchy on his feet. I am hand-walking him on pasture, to try to build up his soles.
I took this picture of a quail, so I could show my friend back home how fat they were. Been threatening to send some to her part-bobcat cat, because his quail are so fit. The elite atheletes of the quail world, after 6 or so years of "Bobby" selection. Any way, when I saw the picture, I just laughed at the python stick. And the light is pretty nice, too.

Arcy and Emily.

Thanks for the visit, Jennifer! It was great to have you.
Couldn't have been better timing.
Couldn't have been better timing.