I am breaking my blog silence to wish my dear Berhwood happy birthday! He's come a long way... Here's a brief scan through his life since he met me. Hopefully he's pleased with how it worked out.
Here he is today:

Here's the photo from Dreamhorse that sent me looking for him. My horse friend thought I was nuts. I'm not sure if she's ever forgiven me for getting him...

When I arrived at the stable in Oregon, this is what I saw. A sad looking long-yearling with terrible feet. But I was smitten.

This is supposed to be his mom. I can see him in her, but boy, she has a nice shoulder. My afore mentioned friend said, "Get that mare!" when she saw the pictures.

So he arrived, with the name of "Will." He and Red were instant buddies- Red had lived alone for many years. Call Will my gift to my old horse.

He quickly filled out. About as quickly as his name changed from Will to Wilbur to Berhwood. Sorry for the name, buddy...

I actually thought he started to look a bit, dare I say, elegant? Nah. Cute, though.

We went to the beach, and checked out the foam. Notice that belly. Doesn't ever seem to go away, does it?

Quite a different looking horse than the scrawny long-yearling. Here he is at 3.

At 4. I really love this horse.
Somewhere between 3 and 4, learning about saddles and such.

Looking like a draft horse. I still wonder who his supposed "warmblood" dad was. I'm thinking one of those American Warmbloods. The half draft ones? So he'd be 1/4 draft horse.

One of the handsomest 5-year-old noses on the planet, in my unbiased opinion!

He is a real goober sometimes. He's now 5.

Settling in, Idaho.